Cytocast Q2-Q3 2024: Innovations in digital twin technology, simulations and predictions  

2024-10-04 by Cytocast Admin

Cytocast Q2-Q3 2024: Innovations in digital twin technology, simulations and predictions  

Cytocast  has made significant strides during the second quarter of 2024, advancing its cutting-edge technology in the field of digital twin simulations and predictive algorithms.

The developments are shaping Cytocast's offerings as an invaluable decision-support tool for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry, helping drug developers make essential decisions based on in-silico analyses of drug effects and side effects. Below is an overview of the key advancements made during Q2 2024. 


Successful pilot programs and key feedback 

In Cytocast Pilot Program, several projects are ongoing, where we deliver premium information regarding our partners’ compounds evaluated by Cytocast Digital Twin Patient™ platform and, on return, we can obtain valuable feedback for our services and technology. A key request from clients is the ability to compare their drug with other similar molecules on the market. In order to do so, we have developed a web-based filtering system that searches for structurally similar public drug molecules in the ChEMBL database, also considering similar indications and side effects. This feature enhances our decision-support system by automatically offering 3-5 similar molecules for comparison during simulations. 
We already starting new pilots besides the ongoing ones.  


Enhanced drug target and off-target prediction system 

This quarter, one of the major focuses was the integration of Cytocast’s drug target prediction system into comprehensive reports. Such enhancements allow users to compare their drugs with similar active ingredients currently available on the market. The comparison enables drug developers to perform comparative analyses and evaluate the potential effectiveness of their drugs, providing valuable insights during the drug development pipeline. 

cytocast cell

 Improved side-effect prediction algorithms 

With over 700 side effects that are recently predicted elsewhere with not significantly higher accuracy than random guessing, Cytocast's side-effect prediction algorithms have undergone notable advancements. We have introduced and fine-tuned new methods to enhance these predictions, making them a core feature of the Cytocast Digital Twin Patient™ platform. This allows pharmaceutical companies to not only assess predicted side effects but also compare them with similar drugs, aiding in more essential decision-making processes. 


Simulation capabilities: focus on membrane proteins and small molecules 

In Q2, Cytocast made substantial progress in simulating cell membranes, essential for understanding the interactions of drugs with membrane proteins. A robust strategy for structuring and storing the necessary data has been established. The final steps are now underway to complete the data loading into our system. Soon, we will be able to test the simulations extensively. 

In the realm of small molecules significant performance improvements have been made. Simulations that previously caused performance bottlenecks have been sped up by 30x, allowing for smoother, faster simulations. This allows us to simulate most small-molecule interactions without complex hybrid simulations, providing highly accurate predictions using similar local reaction setups. 


New frontend for experiment management 

A major development in our platform is the new frontend system, which enables users to conduct entire experiment series or studies. The system offers several template experiments, allowing users to configure and perform various mutation studies. While the backend still requires further development, this represents a crucial step towards offering more comprehensive and customizable experimental simulations. 


Cloud integration and DevOps advancements 

Despite challenges in cloud-based execution, Cytocast now fully supports resource utilization from both Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud, with a substantial credit of $120,000 USD available for the latter.  

Noteworthy collaborations and publications 

Cytocast’s work continues to gain academic recognition. In collaboration with Pázmány ITK, our research was accepted and published in BMC Neuroscience in early July. Moreover, Cytocast contributed an article to Current Opinion in Structural Biology, further highlighting our contributions to the field. 

cytocast digital twin

Participation in accelerator programs 

In Q3, several Cytocast applications submitted to various accelerator and mentorship programs and further ones submitted. 

  • Creative Destruction Lab 
  • EIT Health HICEE  

Marketing and events 

Our active presence at key industry events and on social media platforms continues to yield positive results. Cytocast presented posters and gave talks at several prominent events, including: 

Thanks to our enhanced LinkedIn presence, engagement with our content has increased by 43%, and our follower count has surpassed 750

Looking ahead 

With numerous developments both on the biological/bioinformatics and software fronts, we remain committed to advancing the Cytocast Digital Twin PatientTM technology. The comparative side-effect prediction and drug comparison features will be further refined in the upcoming months, reinforcing Cytocast's mission to provide the tools to the drug developer community need for their informal, data-driven decision-making processes


Stay tuned for more updates as the drug development transformation leveraging Cytocast’s cutting-edge predictive systems will continue. 

For more information or inquiries about Cytocast Pilot Programs, contact us at Follow our LinkedIn page for the latest updates: LinkedIn Page.